Thursday, August 14, 2008

Falling In Love On a Mission Trip

This post made me laugh!

I have a teenager now, and it scares me, because I remember how stupid I was at her age. Every once in a while, though, something comes along to remind me of the up-side of the chemical onslaught of adolescence, and all I can hope is that she comes out of hers with a few good memories.

The blog is called Stuff Christians Like; the blogger is Prodigal Jon. In this post he talks about how teenagers always fall in love on mission trips. I propose that the same is true of church camp, choir tour, or any other time when kids, busses, and sleeping bags are involved.

Reading the post, I remembered my first church camp in 1975. I had just finished 9th grade and was getting ready to move to the High School when my youth director bribed me into going to Camp Istrouma for a week-long Senior High camp. I took my guitar (because I always took my guitar; it was my identity; The Girl Who Always Has Her Guitar) and discovered another guitarist there: Jimmy Phelps. He was cute, and he played well, and all the girls loved him. We spent some time together that week, and even dated once or twice after camp was over, but it didn't take long for us both to realize that any idea that we would have a real relationship was absurd. We had nothing in common other than the guitar, and we lived an hour away from each other. He was conservative, I was more liberal, and last I heard he had headed to a very conservative military boarding school to finish high school.

But man, camp was fun that year!


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