Monday, September 1, 2008

11:23 and all is well.

Windy and rainy, but well. Still have power and internet, as you can tell by the fact that you're reading this post. If you're not reading it, that confirms that we lost power sometime between 11:23 and whenever I hit the "Publish Post" button.

E's still watching I Love Lucy, but they're repeating episodes now. What's with that? It's only been about 3 hours.

Is it weird to hope that the power will go out sooner rather than later? I'd really prefer it not go out at all, but living with it minute to minute knowing it's going out is a little crazy-making. I'm bookmarking every webpage I view, just in case I lose it when the power goes out. I'm turning off lights in the bedrooms just in case the power goes out (so if it gets restored during the middle of the night it won't wake us up). I'm rushing Elizabeth through her cookie making just in case the power goes out.

Weather Underground has revised our projected winds to peak around 50, rather than the 60 it was a couple of hours ago.

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